A Rainbow of Yarrow

One of the true work horses of the early summer garden, yarrow is great in the landscape and in flower bouquets.    Yarrow comes in a variety of gorgeous colors, (avoid the common white, it tends to be a bit thuggish), is fast growing, and has low water needs, making it a winner in dry states such as Utah.  

Here are a few of my favorites.

Achillea Millefolium 'Paprika'

The very first to bloom in my garden, 'Paprika' starts out a rosy red fading eventually to a peachy tan. One plant will fill a three by three foot spot in your garden. I even have one plant of this variety that gets no supplemental irrigation and still blooms beautifully.


 Achillea millefolium 'Cerise Queen'

Just beginning to bloom in late June in our 6a/6b zone, 'Cerise Queen' is a lovely magenta pink that blends well with other candy colored blooms in the early summer garden or vase. Reaching three feet tall by three feet wide.


Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'

Pictures don't do this variety justice, it's a deep burgundy red that is hard to find. Stunning in fall arrangements, since it reblooms in the late summer.



Achillea millefolium 'Tutti Frutti Pineapple Mango'

My very favorite yarrow, it is the prettiest peach with sweet yellow centers. So delicous! A little more compact in size, usually topping out at 2 feet.


Achillea filipendulina 'Parker's Gold'

Different from the previous selections because it only blooms once, it makes up for its short season with its sunny color, three foot plus stems, and by lasting for ages in a vase.  Its ferny foliage looks lush and full even with very little water.


We have some other yarrow that are new to us this year, namely Achillea millifolium Summer Berries mix and achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' that we can't wait to see bloom.  I would love to hear about your favorite varieties. Do you grow yarrow?